When you have better insight, you make better decisions

Vibe is an innovative web-based survey and feedback platform.

The Vibe platform provides actionable insights and benchmark data in key cultural ED&I components including leadership, communication, diversity/inclusion, benefits, reward & recognition, learning & development, work/life balance, well-being and innovation.

The Vibe platform provides a deeper understanding of equality (also known as equity), diversity and inclusion practices and policies throughout your organisation, enabling you to make informed decisions in real-time that will positively impact your ED&I strategy.


Enhancing every element of ED&I

We use our Vibe HR periodic table to assess all of the key components of ED&I within your organisation's corporate culture. This provides a rounded stake in the ground, a memorable report and a plan to align, engage and inspire leaders throughout the organisation.


Diving deep into your data to reveal the most telling insights

Vibe ED&I executive reports enable you to create your own unique data analysis by benchmarking against internal and external data, to allow for a deeper dive into all aspects of your culture. This helps to create and support a continuous feedback loop, actionable insights and leadership accountability.


Because everybody is different, so are our learning programmes

We configure with the help of the big data, a blended and bespoke suite of learning programs in line with your ED&I priorities and themes of your leadership teams.

Our online and classroom-based workshops, masterclasses and coaching provide training and development to guide your leaders and managers through the culture shift of embracing diversity and inspiring inclusiveness.


What are you famous for?

A leadership brand is created by the way people behave, react and interact which in turn defines your culture. You already have a leadership brand, you have a reputation based on your current leadership skills. We help you to look closely at what your current leadership brand is, reflect and realign to bring the ED&I narrative to the forefront of your leadership brand. This will allow you to self-reflect on where you are now and 'what you want to be famous for’.

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