Internal Strategy

We believe that employees are the most important component of the brand mix. So much so that they can literally make or break a business. We have overwhelming evidence to show that the relationship a business has with its workforce and contractors is fundamental to the customer experience and top line growth.

Strongly aligned communication helps to develop a supportive and reciprocal culture. The best example of this is a functional family unit; helping, supporting and communicating with one another every day so they don’t just survive – they thrive.

Family life is about sharing stories and emotional experiences that create long-lasting memories. These kindred relationships are built on trust, love and kindness, and they empower individuals within the group to learn and grow. We believe business relationships should be no different.

We offer a range of services to support this thinking as outlined below. We have developed a sophisticated business technology platform called Vibe which helps to measure the happiness and well-being of your workforce. Vibe delivers insights into the risks and opportunities and provides reports on both the psychological and financial value.


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Strategise your path from good to great

The benefits of having a personal coach are well documented. There isn’t a sports person, successful leader or business tycoon that hasn’t had a coach or mentor to support and guide them through their career. The personal benefits of coaching are wide ranging and can not only positively affect an individual’s career but also their personal life too. Coaching allows people to take their development to a deeper level, exploring specific areas that will contribute to the successful completion of individual objectives and business KPI’s.

However this isn’t just about what you’re not good at! Coaching explores where your most effective key skills and behaviours are, uncovers blind spots of talent and allows you to develop areas to take you from good to great.

Learn to support one another on your development journey

Group coaching allows leaders and managers to explore the concept of peer-to-peer coaching in an collaborative space, with the expert guidance of our qualified coaches.

We work with small groups of four to five people and encourage and support them to coach each other, developing their communication and coaching skills and working through common issues in the business.

This approach is great at building cross functional relationships and addressing any conflicts that may arise from time to time within teams.


Find where you fit within the DNA of your organisation

Leadership doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It touches every part of your organisation and understanding how you fit into the DNA of the organisation you lead is vital if your touchpoints with it are to have real meaning.

Our Leadership Programmes help leaders to truly understand their current leadership behaviours and management habits and how these fit with the culture of the company. We identify key drivers and begin to measure key components, providing valuable insights for leadership skills and development, helping your leaders to inspire and lead the vision of your organisation.

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