Published on July 26, 2019
We have recently returned from the beautiful Steigenberger Golf Resort in El Gouna, where we have been working with the leadership team at GB Auto Group- The leading regional automotive producer and distributor, delivering the first module of their Executive Coaching Programme. The setting for this launch module could not have been more perfect, although the 42’ heat took a little getting used to for us Brits
Following the successful launch of our Vibe 360 feedback platform last year, Gb Auto’s top 25 leaders have embarked on a 12-month leadership initiative. The Executive Coaching Programme will deliver face to face workshops (held in beautiful settings around Egypt) and a series of skype coaching calls, along with a programme of videos and articles throughout the year to inspire, engage and motivate in between modules. The first module was split into three 2.5 hour sessions, allowing the leaders to explore three important topics relating to their leadership brand, leadership strengths and leadership habits.
"Relationships are the heartbeat of every successful business and at the heart of every successful relationship is communication"
The leadership team work cross-functionally across the middle east, so it was important that we started by focusing on relationships... “We are much more than our job title” was a phrase we heard a lot over the 3 days. The workshops, activities, downtime and team dinners gave the leaders time to really get to know each other and start to build relationships. One leader commented, “Once we have the relationship, then we build the trust; and you can’t go backwards once you build the trust”. We wholeheartedly agree 😊
As part of the leadership branding journey, we facilitated session one on the importance of identifying strengths. This session provided a starting point in the identification of specific personal talents and provided insight through exercises and activities to help build upon the leaders' talents to develop strengths within their roles. Feedback about talents and strengths development often forms the basis of other interventions that helps people capitalise on their greatest talents and apply them to challenges.
This first session also mapped out the strengths as a leadership population, identifying where there are pockets of true talent and gaps for development. This then allowed us to establish where they can use strengths to build long-lasting, effective relationships across the business.

After a wonderful evening and superb dinner at the hotel, we were raring to go the next morning for session two. This session looked at leadership habits that are essential for a growth mindset, established by observing and studying the psychology and science behind what the best performers do to achieve success.
Everyone has leadership skills that they have created habits that enable them to lead. These habits reside in your subconscious and you will be acting out habits without even knowing it. This session focused on moving the operational habits into strategic habits to enable an improved leadership style. Our favourite exercise in this session was stepping stones, a high energy activity that requires the team to think in a very strategic way… difficult if they are actually part of the problem they are trying to fix!! The energy following this session was amazing and everyone left feeling inspired to develop their strategic leadership habits.
The final session on day three focused the leaders on their own leadership brand. For today’s leader to be successful, it essentially comes down to personal brand; what we are known for and what we deliver. Personal branding is essentially the ongoing process of establishing an image or impression in the mind of others about yourself.
It’s a leadership concept has really taken off in the last few years. As Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon once said: “Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room”. As with any other brand, your personal brand is based on people’s expectations of how you will behave or perform. Leaders shouldn’t underestimate the power of leadership branding when it comes to the reputation of the company they work for.
This final session was supported by Sara, who has recently joined GB Auto as their Internal Communication Manager, Sara worked hard before and during the event to ensure the messages were communicated to the leaders in a fun and inspiring way. Sara will now be working with the leaders back in the business to support them in developing and promoting their leadership brand. Having a communications expert working as part of the HR team is a fantastic addition and we are very much looking forward to working with Sara and the rest of the HR team over the following months to help embed the messages throughout the culture at GB Auto.
George Sedky, Chief Human Resources Officer commented; “I would like to thank the team at Laws of Attraction for your time, cooperation and excellent delivery during the Executive Coaching Program in Gouna 2019. Your time, input, flexibility and way of delivery were very much effective and beneficial to all of GB Executives team. I am looking forward to working with you on the next steps”