Published on March 09, 2020
International Woman’s Day is a day of celebration, awareness, and gratitude for the successes (and struggles) of women throughout history. In 2020, it’s about bringing people of all genders, ages, races, and religions together to celebrate women across the globe. IWD is the also perfect opportunity to stop and reflect on what we can do as organisations and individuals to promote gender diversity, inclusion and equality because there is now overwhelming evidence that diversity of thought directly correlates more highly innovative and creative solutions for your business. So, therefore, collecting and harnessing ideas, thoughts, and feelings from your female AND male colleagues on a regular basis, is not only the right thing to do, it will pay dividends too.
Our Vibe Employee Engagement and Vibe 360 platforms allow organisations to survey across the whole company and then do a deep dive on the gender specifics that make up the workforce.
For example, our willing and able measure in our Vibe Employee Engagement survey report allows businesses to see, from both a male and female perspective, where the pockets of empowered women are, and in which business area or department. We can also use this big data to establish if you have any females that are frustrated in their role and use our filter feature to dig down and find out which elements in the organisation are driving their frustrations. By being able to see this from a gender perspective, we can work with leaders in the business to create bespoke action plans for women that want to move into more senior leadership positions or those who may feel stressed with their current workload.

Our Vibe 360 also allows us to calibrate the overall scores using gender as a data filter. We recently used this feature in an organisation to help them understand the difference in skill sets across the male and female populations. We identified that the more emotionally intelligent pillars; Trust, Motivation, and Communication were scoring higher in the female population, whereas Commercial and Drive for Results scored higher in the male population. Further diagnostics were conducted which led to a decision to run specific half-day workshops on Commerciality and Strategic Thinking, targeting the female audience. We also included sessions on assertiveness, leadership branding and how to ‘manage up’ to a predominantly male executive board. Using the data led to a successful intervention that allowed the business to address diversity and inclusion with this important female population.
On the left-hand side are the scores for the male participant data and on the right female participants.

We would also like to take this opportunity to celebrate the women who work at Laws of Attraction. We are very fortunate to have a balance of strong women (and men!) in our team. We would also like to thank our team of female coaches and consultants, for supporting, empowering and developing our female clients to be the best they can be.
To find out more about our Vibe technology and what it can do your for business get in touch with one of our team.