Published on September 11, 2019
As part of our on-going relationship with Abellio Transport, we are delighted to be working on the DILO “Day in The Life…” project. Working in partnership with the operations teams across the Abellio network, we have designed and produced ‘Day In The Life’ guides to support the front line staff in their day to day roles and activities.

‘Easier journeys every day’ is the motto that empowers the station managers, driver managers and control managers to inspire, motivate and build trust within their teams and build relationships with passengers. We worked with this important population to really understand what a ‘Day In The Life...’ looked like for them, and then created booklets and pull out cards to support them in their day to day tasks.
Using the Abellio Leadership Framework, we designed A5 booklets to help focus the front line and station teams on not just what they do, but how they do it. By focusing on the behaviours required to effectively perform their management roles, we helped the operating companies to further embed the values and competencies that are important in the Abellio culture, improving relationships with team members, key stakeholders and customers. We also designed handy pull out DILO Z cards for the teams on the ground, to support them in planning their time effectively and ensuring a clear and consistent message was communicated across the Abellio Operating Companies.
Graham Forbes, Creative Director at Laws of Attraction said:
“We wanted these guides to be as inviting and engaging as possible, so we deliberately aimed for a more editorial appearance by using photography, illustration and a liberal amount of white space. We also utilised Abellio’s secondary colour palette to create a new icon language to clearly define the core activities and the responsibilities associated with each role.”
We have thoroughly enjoyed working with the teams out in the field at the heart of this customer and employee focused initiative.

We have worked with LoA on a number of projects at Abellio and truly appreciate how well they understand our business and tailor solutions to meet our needs. The Day in the Life Project was developed to bring alive what ‘good looks like’ in our front line leadership roles in an engaging and informative manner. LoA worked very closely with us to bring this vision to life in a very creative and interactive way. The project itself presented challenges along the way give the size and complexity of our portfolio of businesses, but the dedicated support we received from LoA helped keep us on track.
Best of all our leaders absolutely love what we’ve produced, there is real pride in the finished product and that’s largely down to the full support that we received from LoA.

Lisa Farrell Head of HR, Abellio Group